News from the Math Department

Math 6 started the year with a ratio and proportion unit. We then focused on multiplying, dividing, adding and subtracting decimals and fractions. In second semester, we will use these skills in
expressions and equations, geometry and statistics. In May, the students will put their creative and innovative thinking skills to work and create original programs in Scratch. Throughout all of our math units, we use the 8 mathematical practices especially when we look at the relationship between math in the classroom and the real world.

6 PLUS - During the spring semester, we enter the exciting world of Algebraic expressions and equations. We will learn to write function rules and write inequalities to represent real-world situations. We will also explore Geometric concepts of area, volume and surface area.

Math 7 started off with a unit on Ratios & Proportional reasoning. We will explore number relationships and how factors and multiples, fractions, decimals and percentages all show these relationships. In the fall, we explored operations with rational numbers, including negative integers, fractions and decimal quantities. In the spring, we will expand knowledge of Geometry and we will analyze data in our Statistics and Probability unit. Math 7 also features explorations of equations and expressions and a practical unit on consumer math. We emphasize the Mathematical Practices, eight essential skills that will build students' ability to solve problems and communicate their mathematical understanding.  

7 Accelerated - Algebraic expressions, multi-step equations and an exploration of many representations of functions are primary focuses of our spring semester. We will also learn about congruency and similarity in geometric figures. We will end the year with an investigation of statistics and probability.

Math 8 is in its fifth year of implementation of the state standards for College and Career Readiness. Students take their previous knowledge of fractions, and learn that they are part of a set of numbers called rational numbers. They learn that there are other numbers called irrational, which make up the set of real numbers. A good part of the year will be devoted to relations between sets of numbers, especially functions. Math 8 focuses on the linear equation, and the use of slope to describe a rate of change.  Students are asked to use critical thinking skills, as they develop their ability to think, speak, and write about their knowledge of mathematics.

Algebra is being offered as a high school credit and is taught here at the middle school. Students are building on their previous knowledge of functions as they master new ways to study patterns and write equations for lines. The focus of first semester of Algebra 1 was the Linear Equation, with second semester promising exponential, polynomial and quadratic functions. During the second semester, ask your child to describe nonlinear relations, as well as the use of statistics in studying patterns.

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