February is here and we have a busy month ahead as we invite 5th grade families from our elementary feeder schools to join us for transition meetings, and we meet with our 8th grade parents to share promotion happenings. We are excited for these two upcoming events.
As we finished the month of January and closed out our theme of goal setting we have moved forward with our new theme, Digital Citizenship. This new theme supports students remembering that when using technology there is an expected etiquette that should be followed before pushing send. Ask your child to share throughout the month what he/she is learning about being a good digital citizen.
We continue working to support our Site Improvement Plan through our professional development teams at OGMS. We have staff creating Problem Based Learning units for your child(ren), we have Systems Thinking Tools being woven into lessons, we have students (with the support of their instructors) creating Growth Mindset messaging for morning announcements, we have students improving their communication skills by applying new communication tools (Padlet/WeVideo/iMovie and other tools) which support the Communication Deep Learning Proficiency Rubric, we have our 8th grade math staff working on computational fluency and soon I will be working with Site Council members and our CTI to revise our parent survey to learn if we are helping you, our parents, know what tools you have available to better understand your child’s academics.
To see how we are doing with a few of the above goals, ask your student about what Systems Tools she has learned about and in what contents has she applied those tools. You may hear replies like, "I learned about connection circles and behavior over time graphs in English, Science and Social Studies". Ask your child what strategies he has learned to change someone’s fixed mindset? Finally, ask your child to share something she has done with one of the communication tools like iMovie, Padlet or WeVideo?
Looking forward to a great month ahead.

Susan Rosenthal