Parking Lot Safety
There have been a few fender benders in the OGMS parking lot, caused when drivers pull through parking spaces entering or exiting. We are concerned about your safety, but more importantly about our students' safety. Please slow down, please leave a few minutes earlier to support your child not rushing out of your car, and do not block accessible parking.
In the aisles that have spaces facing each other, please back out of the space instead of pulling forward.
We all want to support student safety and we thank you for having a sense of humor as you drive through our lot and support our kids/your kids being safe.
For additional safety, please remember as you are driving through neighborhoods to observe speed limits to support the safety of students who are walking or biking to school. Of particular concern are East Chula Vista Road, North Camino Padre Isidoro and East Camino La Zorella.
In the aisles that have spaces facing each other, please back out of the space instead of pulling forward.