Counselor's Corner

Counselor’s Corner
February Edition

Rolling into the second semester,  it is essential to recognize the importance of regular attendance. According to, “The attendance rate is important because students are more likely to succeed in academics when they attend school consistently. It's difficult for the teacher and the class to build their skills and progress if a large number of students are frequently absent. In addition to falling behind in academics, students who are not in school on a regular basis are more likely to get into trouble with the law and cause problems in their communities.” Additionally, at OGMS we truly feel each child plays a crucial role in setting the dynamic of individual classrooms and without each piece of the puzzle here at school, on task, and on time, it makes it difficult for the completion of topics, projects, and activities to occur.

Pointers for the morning:
-Set up a routine with exact times outlined for all morning needs and stick to it.
-Have breakfast pre-planned (to eat at home or school) or utilize our breakfast options at OGMS.
-The night before put all items needed for the next day out and/or by the door (book bag, lunch, outfits, after school items, instrument, etc).
-Get plenty of sleep so that waking up is not such a chore. Teenagers should get at least 9 hours of sleep each night!

Your child’s counselor is also available to help establish routines, talk about success strategies, or assist with social/emotional needs that may be getting in the way of regular punctuality or attendance. Please do not hesitate to contact either Mrs. Brannen (6th) or Mrs. Altman (7th/8th) should you need any assistance.

OGMS information/reminders:
Ask your child to share about their first period attendance goal.

Reminder: ALL tardies will be marked unexcused unless a phone call is received from the parent/guardian regarding the tardy or the student is signed in at the front desk.

Read more about how your child’s attendance affects dropout rate, behavior, and school budget at
Hear why attendance matters and find additional resources at

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