Student Council Sock Drive
Youth On Their Own (YOTO) is a dropout prevention program that supports the high school graduation and continued success of homeless, unaccompanied youth from 6th grade through 22 years old in Pima County. Since 1986 over 16,000 homeless and compromised students have been encouraged to stay in school and pursue opportunities for self-sufficiency. When talking to Youth On Their Own, they mentioned that their most needed item was SOCKS! Your student bringing in one pair of socks can make a huge difference, if every person in our whole school brings in one pair of socks we will have over 700 pair of socks!
The OGMS Student Council is sponsoring a sock drive to benefit Youth On Their Own during the week of 2/6 - 2/10. They are asking students to bring in new socks for children ages 10 - 17. Student Council's goal is that each first period class collect the same number of socks as they have students in the classroom.

Thanks, and don’t forget, one pair of socks makes a difference!