School Attendance and Tardies

Last month we provided tips on helping your child have a successful start to their day, this month we wanted to review our attendance policy as found in the student handbook/planner.

Regular attendance at Orange Grove Middle School is expected for successful completion of our rigorous curriculum.  Parents and guardians are charged by law with responsibility for the student’s consistent school attendance.

For purposes of safety, parents are asked to call the school or the attendance line by 8:00 a.m. (10:00 am on late start) if a student is going to be absent from school, regardless of the reason.  Any students absent without permission will be unexcused for the day and the absence will not be excused without a written note from the parents or a doctor. The attendance line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 209-8290.  Please notify the front office staff in advance of planned absences. Verification of medically excused absences must be filed with the Attendance Office or Nurse within ten (10) days of the last day of the period of the medically excused absence.  A notification letter may be sent to the parent/guardian when the student reaches eight excused or unexcused absences in one or more classes in a semester.

School Hours
School is in session from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. No student should be on the school grounds before 7:00 a.m. unless requested by a teacher.  All students should leave the school grounds by 2:45 p.m. unless requested by a teacher or participating in a supervised activity.  Students who continue to remain on campus after 2:45 p.m. and who are not involved in a school-sponsored activity will be charged a fee by Community Schools.

All tardy students must sign in at the front office when they arrive at school.  In order for an absence or tardy to be excused, parents are to either:
1. Call the attendance line at 209-8290 if the student is arriving after 7:30.
2. Have their child bring a parent/doctor’s note to the front office.
3. Sign the student in at the front office.

Students are expected to be seated in the classroom when the final bell rings.   Students who arrive late to school should follow the late arrival guidelines.  Students are allowed 4 unexcused 1st period tardies per quarter and students who have repeated tardies will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Code of Conduct, due to lost instructional time and classroom disruption.

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