6th Grade Orientation Details

6th Grade Orientation is right around the corner and we can’t wait to meet our new 6th grade students! On Wednesday, August 10th from 10:30-12:00 students will have a chance to join our staff in the multi-purpose room, (MPR) located at the west end of the school. During orientation, students will have an opportunity to meet their teachers, hear about Panther Pride, and find their way around. (6th Grade parents are invited to join our Counselors and Curriculum Technology Integrator in the Library for an overview in how OGMS partners with you to know our different communication venues and resources.) Your meeting is from 10:45 till-11:45 a.m.

To help make drop off and pick up run smoothly, we are asking parents to use two different entrances.  If your child’s last name is from A-K please go to the bus bay to park or drop off your child.  Teachers will be there to direct students to the MPR.  If your child’s last name starts with L-Z, please park or drop off at the front of the school.  Again, teachers will direct students to the MPR.  The map below provides an illustration of our campus and parking areas.  If there are no parking spaces in either lot, please park in the Catalina Foothills Church's lot on the corner of Orange Grove Road and Camino La Zorrela and cross the street at the crosswalk.

After the event at 12:00 please pick up your child in the same location you dropped him/her off. Thank you for helping us to make this a safe and fun experience.

                                                                                                                North Parking Lot
                                                                                                              A-K Student Drop off and Pick Up

                     South Parking Lot                                       
          L-Z Student Drop Off and Pick Up

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