AzMERIT Testing April 13-21

AzMERIT Standardized Testing:    

On Thursday, April 13th our standardized testing period begins. Please see our counselor’s article for ways to support your child during testing called Stress and Test Anxiety to support your child having greater success during the week ahead.

This year, testing takes place over several days starting April 13th.  We thank our FFO for our guest speaker Jordan Wiley-Hill who will support our students with some great mindful activities.  See the article on Mindfulness in this blog.

Your child will have his/her test administered on a computer and when not testing, he/she will be in a rotation with Mr. Wiley-Hill.

A reminder that headphones are provided, but some students may prefer to bring their own for testing.  Headphones/earbuds are needed for the AzMERIT Reading, parts 1 and 2.  We ask that you help your child always to be on time, but especially during testing. Once a testing session has begun your student will not be allowed to enter the class until the testing session is complete.  Make-up testing will begin at a later date.

We encourage your child to come with a snack, a water bottle, a book to read and again headphones/earbuds if your child does not want to borrow the school’s equipment. During testing, we will not call into classes so please make sure if you need to take your child out for an appointment, you take him/her after each day’s testing session.  Testing ends each day at 10:45. The full schedule can be seen following this article.

A special note: Our 8th graders will take the AIMS Science assessment (paper and pencil) on April 17th.

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