4th Quarter Supplies

Time To Check Backpacks!

As the school year is winding down, it might be the perfect time to check the status of your child's school supplies.  Students are coming with no paper, no pencils and organizers/folders that aren't in great shape.  Think about some spring cleaning over Spring Break and add some new tools to your child's backpack to help him/her finish the year strong.

Students love new folders, new pencils and of course binder paper.  All these school supplies help make participating in school tasks so much easier.  Take some time and do a backpack check with your student, you might be surprised at what's inside.

Speaking of school supplies, the FFO is once again doing their school kits drive for next year, they have partnered with EduKit to package student’s supplies based on the teacher supply lists and deliver these to the school in time for Pick Up and Unpack in August.  You can simply order online by going to the following link: https://www.edukitinc.com/page.asp?id=15&schoolid=1726.  Note that you should purchase a kit based on your student's grade next year. There is also a donation option to help students in need and our wonderful teachers. All money donated will be used to support kids and the supplies needed school wide.

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