Your Tax Credit Donation Matters to OGMS

Arizona Tax Credit in the Foothills

The Catalina Foothills School District is a wonderful school community! It is impressive to see a community with such a commitment to educational excellence and support of the schools here in the Foothills.  CFSD would not be the district it is today without the community that surrounds and supports it! The success of our schools' extracurricular programs is tied to the generous contributions of community members who divert some of their state tax funds to the CFSD programs of their choice!

How does it Work?
Any Arizona taxpayer has the opportunity to give to Catalina Foothills School District instead of paying it in taxes. The donation must be earmarked for support of one of our many qualifying fee-based, extracurricular activities. We'll send the donor a receipt for their records. Then, when the taxpayer fills out their 2015 Arizona state taxes, they can subtract the amount of the donation, up to $400 (joint filers) and $200 (individuals), from what is owed in state taxes.  This is not just a tax deduction…it is a tax credit that reduces the amount of taxes owed to the state, dollar-for-dollar.  For more information about how this credit will work for your individual tax situation, contact your tax advisor.

How are these Dollars Spent?
Tax Credit dollars are spent to support fee-based, extra-curricular offerings. However, regular communication between Mrs. Rosenthal and Community Schools, leads to a beneficial partnerships that also helps support the needs at OGMS, as dollars are spent to serve a joint purpose.

What is the Tax Credit Goal at Orange Grove?
We are aiming for $35,000…that is only 175 individuals at $200 each!

Where Can I Donate?
You can donate online ( with your credit card or fill out the 2015 Tax Credit Form, which can be mailed to Murphey Administration Center, 2101 E River Rd., Tucson, AZ, 85718 or dropped off in person at any CFSD school, by December 31, 2015. Please make checks payable to Catalina Foothills School District (CFSD) and note the program to which you'd like to contribute on the check.

What have we purchased at Orange Grove with tax credit dollars?
Here are some of the joint projects that Community Schools and Mrs. Rosenthal have completed/purchased within the past 5 years:

  •       Installation of the new curtain on the OGMS MPR stage.
  •       OGMS gardening club, to benefit the OGMS students, staff, and community through a concerted campus beautification effort, implemented by the students in the club.
  •       Athletic equipment utilized by OG students, staff and Community Schools
  •       Maintenance of soccer, softball and baseball fields utilized by OGMS Physical Education teachers, students, and Community Schools
  •       Basketball and Softball uniforms utilized by OGMS students

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