From the Front Office

Welcome back!  We hope you’ve had a terrific summer and are excited about returning to the 17/18  School Year.  Orange Grove office personnel are here to assist you and your student in experiencing a relaxed, enjoyable school year.  In order to accomplish this, we need your help.  The following are general guidelines we have established in order to have the office run efficiently and smoothly, with the least amount of interruptions in your student’s class/learning time.

To avoid interruption of class time for your student and others-we limit calls into the classroom.  Therefore, please make arrangements ahead of time for dental/doctor appointments or after school activities and advise your student before school.  Of course, this can not always happen, and we understand.  Should you have to get a message to your student about an appointment, we will give them the message between class periods.  Please don’t text your child a message, because we do enforce that phones need to be off and in backpacks from the time students enter the school until they leave campus.
If your student has forgotten an item at home, feel free to drop it off at the office.  However, once again, we will call them up during passing periods only.

Should you need to pick your student up from school during the school day, come to the front office, and at that time-we will call the student out of class.  We can not call them prior to you arriving because it takes them from class/learning time-especially should you get delayed or not estimate your time of arrival correctly.  Please give yourself plenty of time so you will not be running late and need the student to be waiting at the office.

Finally, we have more students at OGMS than ever before and long lines of late students in the office in the morning will prevent learning for your child due to a delay in signing in and can be a disruption to the classroom.  This year, students who are tardy will need a parent to come in and sign their child into the office. If your child is running late, we ask you to park and come sign your child in. We feel that punctuality is essential to success in the work world and that is true for the our students and the job they must do every day.

We appreciate your attention to all of these reminders.  It will certainly ease the congestion at the front office and allow for a much smoother running office.  

Thanks again!
Anne and Cris

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