Student Led Conferences are in Two Weeks

Student Led Conferences are right around the corner and our students are looking forward to sharing their work with you.  Your child has been reflecting on his/her work, setting goals, and selecting portfolio pieces that show evidence of growth.

Is Your Calendar Marked For Your Child's Student Led Conference? 
March 16th or 17th are the dates set for your child to share his/her work
A reminder that a student–led conference (SLC) is a structured conversation about learning between student and parent(s) that supports a student articulating his her progress toward goals set.  During the SLC, the student shares work samples, reflects on what they’ve learned and what they’re working on as well as sharing goals achieved and goals still yet to be mastered.   The parent listens and asks probing or clarifying questions to invite dialogue about learning. 

Students engaged in a SLC:

  •  accept personal responsibility for their learning
  •  improve their ability to self-evaluate
  •  learn how to set meaningful SMART goals
  •  develop organizational and communication skills
  •  understand how to problem solve, and apply strategies to seek help
  •  know how to monitor and reflect on their progress

Parents engaged in a SLC:
  •   have increased attendance at conferences
  •   see growth over time regarding what’s happening with their student at       school
  •    have improved dialogue with their student about progress towards             academic and personal and social responsibility goals.
In the past, students have indicated that they felt participating in SLC’s helped them self-evaluate and set more realistic goals. Most parents also appreciated the chance to have a structured conversation with their students about learning away from the distractions of home.

We hope that parents will recognize the benefits of setting aside this time to meet in a formal setting with their student. Information about SLC’s appointments have already gone home. 

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