ParentVUE vs Email Communication
Have you received a message in your ParentVUE, but not received a notification in your email? Teachers often use TeacherVUE to send email communications to students and parents. In order to ensure that you are receiving messages from teachers, you might need to confirm that the messages are not going to your spam. If your messages are sent to spam, depending on your email provider, you can mark the message as “not spam” or put the teacher on your contact list so that future messages go directly to your in-box.
You can also check that your email is set up properly in ParentVUE by going to the My Accounts tab at the top of your homepage. You can then change or add email addresses to alert you of where you would like to receive email notifications. If you need assistance or have further questions about your ParentVUE account, please contact our CTI Stephanie Olson via email at: